By this time, most companies and organizations have been exposed to the advantages and efficiencies of E-Learning.
In other cases, the concepts involved in online training and testing might be relatively new.
Some training managers have embraced E-Learning while many have stayed behind, for one reason or another.
In any case, we have valuable information and tips available, which customers have useful in their strategy-formation process.
Of course these items are available at no cost and come with no obligation. We feel like an educated consumer is more likely
to become a satisfied customer than someone who has done no research at all.
Free Info Book
A comprehensive look at the modern FlexTraining tools, with strategies, tips, and usable information about E-Learning.
Focus on the benefits provided by a modern LMS, as far as authoring, tracking, analysis, and efficiency.

Free Quick Reference
This pocket-sized reference card is a useful, easy-to-follow laminated E-learning reference tool with checklists,
suggested project steps, E-Learning glossary, and information about file formats in a handy quick reference format.
Perhaps you have done some planning and research, and have a good idea of what kind of E-Learning you want to do.
Then you ar ready to ask a FlexTraining e-Learning consultant about putting your PowerPoints or other material into a sample FlexTraining
course and showing it to you online. This method often "turns on the light" when it comes to visualizing your company's
online training. See first-hand how online training can save you money.