LMS Tips: Online Training System - Going Green with E-Learning Software

When You Think Training, Think Green


May 2008


In your organizational ecosystem, are your training programs maintaining proper proportion with the strategy, growth and balance of the overall unit? Are your training programs keeping pace with the company objectives, and are you utilizing resources adequately to manage your initiatives, engage learners and achieve your training purpose? When considering the impact of your training programs on your environment and the collective costs associated with accomplishing your instructional goals, it may be far-sighted, and prudent, to think green.


Becoming a friend to the environment is a respectable goal to which we can all relate, and introducing E-Learning software to your established training environment will create the means to achieve this environmentally friendly objective. Online training will reduce waste, recycle existing training material, conserve energy and use clean technology to reach out to your employees, customers and students.




 Recycling is becoming more pervasive in every industry and every community. Why not introduce recycling to your educational programs? A web-based training system will allow your learners to view those traditional paper training manuals online, and while they’re at it, save a tree. It is a given that training material is often outdated as soon as it is printed, so why not eliminate the paper, maintain up-to-the-minute information and let technology take your training online?


Energy costs continue to soar, and one way to combat this trend is to introduce conservational processes such as web-based programs that will save precious internal resources and materials. Instructor hours, development stages and classroom time are easily converted to student self-paced learning, repurposed content and computer-based instruction, which can occur anywhere and at any time. Ecologically aware managers should be keen to recapture valuable time and energy.


 Balance is a key component of any successful training program, and the link between administrator, subject matter expert, instructor and student cannot be broken. An E-Learning approach to creating and dispensing training material will create balance for both the trainer and the student. A web-based training environment will foster an economical yet robust setting that promotes organizational growth through knowledgeable and skilled employees and customers.  



Travel and production-related emissions will negatively impact your environmentally friendly approach to knowledge management and are in direct contrast to a company’s desire to go green. Minimizing your carbon footprint, no matter how limited the initial effort, will have a marked impact in the long run, and the more you conserve, the easier it will become.


We’re so convinced that going green with an online training system will save you time, resources and money, even our blue man has gone green!

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