Manager System Training
Course Scripts - 3
Tier 3 Lessons
Lesson 1
Welcome to the "Skills" Menu. Skills are student-specific data that contain the training requirements for a given online learner.
FlexTraining uses a concept called Skill Groups to make the setup, maintenance and reporting of skill requirements and training progress easier.
A Skill Group refers to a set of training requirements and consists of a group of courses that must be passed in order to achieve a certain skill level.
To create or edit a Skill Group, select the Manage Skill Groups link.
Click the Add Skill Group button to add a new skill group, or click on the Edit icon to edit an existing group.
In the open field, enter the name of the new Skill Group.
The Requirements field gives you the option to require completion of All of the courses in the skill group, or Any of the courses listed in the open field.
Select a series of required courses from the drop-down boxes.
Note that each skill group is a list of up to ten courses that are grouped together to create a specific competency or proficiency.
Click on the Save New Skill Group or Save Changes to Skill Group button.
The group will appear in your skills group listing.
You've created a Skill Group, establishing training requirements (a list of courses) for a group of students.
At this point, the course requirements are not yet associated with any particular student(s).
The Assign Learners function lets you manage your profiles and allows you to add, edit or delete student profile records.
When you click on the Assign Learners button, you will be presented with a familiar screen of open fields and filters.
Enter student information in the open fields or use the drop-down filters to define your students.
Click on the Show Students button.
Click on the Assign Skill Groups button.
Select a Skill Group from the drop-down box.
The next screen displays the students to be assigned.
Click the Check All button to include all students listed, or check the individual students you want to assign.
The Warning Days feature automatically notifies a learner and/or system administrator, via e-mail, when a Skill Group that a student has not completed approaches its deadline.
Warning Days defines how far ahead of the Next Required Date the warning message is sent.
The Next Required Date allows you to set a deadline for completion of the Skill Group for the student.
Note: You can send automatic emails to students when they have been enrolled in a Skill Group in the Email Target Matrix.
Click the Submit button to complete your Skill Group assignments.
The Progress Tracking link allows you to monitor students' progress toward their Skill Group goals.
When you click on the Progress Tracking button, you will be presented with a familiar screen of open fields and filters.
Enter student information in the open fields or use the drop-down filters to define your students.
Click on the Continue button.
The Skills Group Progress Tracking menu offers two options.
Option 1: Display all Students, Skill Groups and Progress.
Set the data search filters to determine current progress for selected Skill Groups.
The Filter drop-down box sorts the Skill Groups as complete, incomplete, past due, etc.
Enter the due date in the Skill Due Date open field.
Use the Sort By drop-down box to sort the data by student name or date required.
Click the List button to display the data.
This is a sample report.
Click on the Details button to see the profile data.
The profile data includes student details and course completion information.
Option 2: Generate a Warning Email.
This enables you to send a warning email to all students that have reached their warning date for completing a Skill Group without completion.
First, enter student information in the open fields or ue the drop-down filters to define your students.
Click on the Proof button.
Check the desired students and click the Generate Emails button to send the automated Skill Group emails.
Lesson 2
Welcome to the "Instructor Menu," which allows assigned instructors to interact with students in their assigned classes.
Select a course from the drop-down box, and click the Submit button.
Once you have chosen a course, you will have several menu options, plus the option to switch to another course.
The Virtual Gradebook tracks and maintains course and individual test results for all student training activity.
It was introduced in an earlier lesson.
The News and Updates link provides the option to post news and events for your students.
Choose from the drop-down box the type of communication: Course Announcement, Assignment or News Bulletin.
Next, enter the subject matter text in the open paragraph fields and click the Save button.
A summary of Course Announcements, Assignments and News Bulletins, in date order, is displayed at the bottom of this screen.
The announcement will appear on the Student Home Page under News and Updates.
The Message Board is a forum where students post asynchronous answers, questions and comments to discussion items.
The interaction is not live or real time.
You can access the Message Board at any time to review the level of participation for each student and the quality of their input and posts.
This is a good indicator of student participation, understanding of the material and the course in general.
The Chat Room allows the instructor, or user, to "chat" with another user who is online in “real time”.
The user can chat with an administrator, another student and/or an instructor, all within the same Chat window.
Choose a course from the Choose a Class drop-down box.
You can select the Enter Chat Preference Editor link to modify the Chat environment, if desired.
Click on the Enter Chat for Selected Class button.
Enter your Message in the open field and click the Send button.
Note: If Message Board and Chat are not defined for your course, these options will not appear on your Instructor Menu.
The E-mail Students feature allows you to send an email to the entire class or to individual students and was covered in the Learners Menu.
The Course Guides screen displays a list of all guide files available for reference in a given course and was covered in the Courses Menu.
Lesson 3
Welcome to the "Advanced Menu," which provides enhanced functionality and extra configuration options to the learning environment.
This menu may be more technical or complex than the standard features offered in previous menus.
The Language facility allows you to choose a default language for on-screen text appearing in the Student Module.
You can add new languages and input the text values for all terminology in those languages.
If you plan on having multiple languages, your course material should be built in the desired languages.
With the language option, students will have the ability to choose the language for viewing their courses.
To enable the multi-language support, select Yes from the option.
From the drop-down box, you can select a language to be used for on-screen text throughout the Student Module.
Select Flag or Text to display the language option(s) on the home page of the Student Module.
To add a new language, click the Add button.
Click on the Flag Edit field.
From the list of flags, click on the flag from the list and click on the Use This Image button.
Next, enter the language in the Language Name field.
Click on the pencil icon to edit the language fields.
Enter the language name, and in the open fields, translate the English values to the selected language values as they will be viewed in the Student Module.
Any Items in red require updating for the language to work properly in the student module.
Click the Save Changes button to update the language module.
Lesson 4
Welcome to the "Utilities Menu," which makes it easy for you to manage various functions of the learning environment and to define many of the elements in your courses.
Use the Diagnostics feature to view the current FlexTraining version and to proactively check system options and ODBC source connections.
Diagnostics finds configuration errors before they cause problems.
You can remove a scheduled course from the Course Catalog using the Scheduled Courses function.
This will not delete the course structure (tests, sections, assignments or guides), but it will delete the scheduling of the course for all students.
The course training records are deleted, as well.
If you intend to keep the training records, it is recommended that you disable the course from the scheduling screen in the Courses Menu.
From the drop-down box, select the course you want to delete.
You will receive a warning message confirming that the course will be deleted, and the action is irreversible.
Click on the Delete Scheduled Course Now button to delete the course.
The Delete Courses feature allows you to delete a course and all associated files.
Everything related to the selected course is deleted.
To delete a course, click on the Trashcan icon.
You will receive a warning message that the action is irreversible.
To proceed, enter your system password and click the Delete button.
Use the Students link to remove a student from ALL DATABASE TABLES within FlexTraining.
You will receive a warning message before making the decision to execute the operation and permanently delete the student information.
The Statistics utility provides comprehensive system statistics on students, system users, data usage, courses, content and hard drive information.
The details can be viewed in their entirety or broken down by category.
This is a sample of the All Statistics option.
The Access Logs utility tracks all major events in the Management Center and enables you to review system access.
The Review Access Logs allows you to view the events, by type and by user, from the drop-down boxes.
This is a sample Access Log report.
The Delete All Access Logs allows you to delete all event and access logs.
The delete option includes a warning prior to taking permanent action.
The Import Users function allows you to upload a spreadsheet that contains multiple Management Center Users data.
This feature has an automated format with a browse button to locate and upload your Users spreadsheet.
A summary of the required spreadsheet format is listed to ensure you have properly formatted your document.
Click on the Sample Spreadsheet button to view the correct data layout.
Use the Choose File button to locate and select, from your files, the user spreadsheet.
Once you have selected and defined the file, click on the Next button.
The new User entries will be displayed on your screen.
Click on the Import Data button to complete the data import.
You will receive a confirmation message that the import is complete with the total number of records imported.
The Bulk Enroll utility allows you to unenroll a group of students from courses in one action.
This does not delete students from the student table, only the selected course.
Select a course from the Class drop-down box and click the Show Students button.
Select the applicable Basic, Groups, Demographics, etc., filters to narrow your search, and click the Show Students button.
From the list of students, check one or all you wish to unenroll, and click the Unenroll button.
The Copy Enrollments utility copies student enrollments from one FlexTraining course to another.
Select a course from the From drop-down box, and select the destination course from the To drop-down box.
Click on the Show Students button.
Check one or all of the students you wish to copy, and click the Enroll Now! button.
The Email Login Info utility sends a notification to students so they can reset their password information.
The administrator bulk enrolls students, and this notifies the students of their login details.
From the three student search options, select one of the following:
All Students, Past and Current Students from Selected Class, or Only Current Students from Selected Class.
Choose a course from the Choose Scheduled Courses drop-down box, and click the Get Student List button.
Create and enter an Optional Message in the open field, select students and click on the Generate Emails button.