Manager System Training
Course Script - 2
Tier 2 Lessons
Lesson 1
Welcome to the "Libraries" Menu. The Libraries section holds and helps you manage images, videos, content and a variety of files for use in courses.
The "Media Library" holds multimedia items such as video, audio, Flash movies and JavaScript Alert Messages.
The Multimedia Course Content library contains multimedia files that you can store and access when building learning screens.
Two object types may be defined here: full-screen objects and pop-up objects. Full-screen objects are used as content for learning screens, while pop-up objects are used as responses to questions placed in Learner Exercise screens.
The first Media Library section is for Multimedia Course Content.
Upload your Flash, audio or video files, and register them in the Media Library. Once registered, a multimedia file can be used in one or multiple courses.
Adding a file is a simple, two-step process.
Step one: Click on an existing folder or create a new one in the left hand View List Popup.
Step two: Click on the Select Files button to upload a new file.
A pop-up screen will appear. Browse and select the file from your computer and hit enter.
The new file will appear on the View List Popup list.
To make the new, or an existing, file available for use when creating learning screens, click on the existing file in the View List Popup list to register the file.
In the Add Item to Media Library section, enter a short description of the content, and enter the display width and height.
Click the Register This File button. Once the file is registered, it will appear in the course building, multimedia template drop-down box for use in one or multiple learning screens.
Click the Save Changes button to update your system.
The "Popup Web Links" section allows you to add and store web addresses of any web-deliverable resources you want to use in Learner Exercise screens.
To add a Popup Web Link, click on the "plus" icon.
In the Add Popup Web Link window, enter a name for the new Popup Web Link, and enter the full URL.
Enter the display width and height.
Click the Save button to update your system.
The file can be edited, viewed or deleted via the linked icons.
"Popup Alerts" are user-defined messages that you can create for use in your Learner Exercise screens. They can be used an unlimited number of times.
To add a Popup Alert, click on the "plus" icon.
In the Add Popup Alert window, enter a name for the new Popup Alert, and enter the Alert message to be displayed.
Click the Save button to update your system.
The file can be edited, viewed or deleted via the linked icons.
The "Content Library" holds a variety of files for use in course building, such as PDF and Word documents, HTML pages, videos, images and PowerPoint presentations.
Upload your files and organize them in the Content Library for use in one, or unlimited, courses and learning screens.
To begin, select a folder from the Content Library to upload files, or create and name a new folder.
Next, click the Select Files button in the Add Folders or Files section.
A pop-up screen will appear. Browse and select the file from your computer and hit enter. You can select multiple files.
The new file will appear on the Content Library List Popup list.
You have the option to add another folder below the current folder to create a sub-directory for a particular project or series of files.
In the Content Library list, choose the file you want to use in your course.
You can view the file in a Popup Browser Window, if desired, or delete the file by clicking on that button.
The "Image Library" holds an assortment of image files for use in building learning screens, including body images, logos and background images.
Upload your files and organize them in the Image Library for use in one, or unlimited, courses and learning screens.
To begin, select a folder from the Image Library to upload files, or create and name a new folder.
Next, click the Select Files button in the Add Folders or Files section.
A pop-up screen will appear. Browse and select the file from your computer and hit enter. You can select multiple files.
The new file will appear on the Image Library List Popup list.
You have the option to add another folder below the current folder to create a sub-directory for a particular project or series of files.
To preview an image prior to adding it to a learning screen, click on the image name.
A preview will appear in the right side of your screen.
To delete an image, click on the Delete This Image button.
Lesson 2
Welcome to the "Courses" Menu. The "Courses" section is the heart of FlexTraining as this is where you'll design and build your online courses.
The "Courses" menu has four distinctive sections.
The Preparation section consists of course building strategies information and provides tips, suggestions and examples of online courses.
These guidelines will assist you in choosing file formats, developing lessons and organizing your ideas.
The Materials menu takes you to the Libraries Menu, which is the repository for media, course content and image libraries.
The Development section provides the functionality to create courses, add lessons, building learning screens, create tests and schedule the courses for student access.
The Optional menu includes tools for creating course Evaluations, which build and obtain feedback from students.
It also includes Certificates, which can be awarded to students at the successful completion of a course.
The next section will provide more details on developing and building courses.
Select the "Build Courses" menu item to begin building a course.
The Coursebuilder home screen allows you to work with an existing course, search for a course by name or create a new course.
Click on the A-Z button to sort the course thumbnails alphabetically by course name.
Click on the Course Title button to display the course titles below the thumbnail images.
Click on the List button to search for a course via the title.
To create a new course, enter the name of the course in the open field and click the Start button.
You have two course title search options.
For the first option, in the Search Name Containing field, type in one or more words from the course title and click on the Search button.
This action loads the Choose a Course drop down box with all matching course titles.
To work with a course, select it from the drop down box and click on the Start button.
For the second option, if you leave the Search Name Containing field blank, the Choose a Course drop down box will display all of your active course titles.
To work with a course, select it from the drop down box and click on the Start button.
To create a new course, enter the name of the course in the open field and click the Start button.
To "Add A New Lesson," first enter the name of the course in the Create a New Course field and click the Start button.
This is the screen you will use to begin building your course, lesson(s), learning screens and tests.
The page tab is "Course Content."
To begin, click on the Add a New Lesson link.
In the open field, enter the lesson name and click on the Add button.
A thumbnail image of the new lesson will display along with the lesson name.
You can change the lesson name by clicking on the text.
To edit the lesson, click on the learning screen thumbnail.
A series of icons will appear that allow you to edit, view and delete the lesson.
Your next step is to edit and/or create a learning screen. A lesson consists of one or more learning screens.
To edit the learning screen, click on the Pencil icon to edit the contents.
Click on the Plus icon to add a learning screen.
Learning screen templates include five options.
Option 1: Title
This template can include a course title, an image and a movie or a video.
Option 2: Text Plus
This template can include a screen title and an on-screen image.
Option 3: Multimedia
This template can include a screen title and a movie or a video.
Option 4: External
This template links to an external web page or URL and gives you the option to set the size of the viewing screen.
Option 5: Avatar.
This template uses text-to-speech animation to add more visual stimulation and engagement for the learner.
Now that we've reviewed the options, the next section will demonstrate the Add A Lesson functionality.
We reviewed the options in the previous section. Now, let’s Add A Lesson by creating learning screens.
Choose which type of learning screen you would like to create.
First, let's create a Title screen.
Enter the name of the learning screen in the Learning Screen Name field.
Under the Basic tab, enter a screen title in the Screen Title field.
To include an image, click on the Select link in the On-screen Image field.
A listing of image folders will appear.
To preview an image, click on the image name.
To use the image, click on the Use This Image button.
Choose the image alignment from the Alignment drop-down box.
You can select a movie or video instead of an image.
Choose a file from the Movie or Video drop-down box, and click on the Plus icon.
Choose the movie or video alignment from the Alignment drop-down box.
Click the Add button to add the learning screen.
A thumbnail of your learning screen will appear.
To preview the learning screen, click on the thumbnail.
A snapshot of the learning screen will appear on the right side of your screen.
Click the Preview icon to preview the learning screen in a pop-up screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
Next, let's build a second learning screen in the lesson.
To add a screen, click on the Plus icon.
We'll create a Text Plus screen.
Enter the name of the learning screen in the Learning Screen Name field.
Under the Basic tab, enter a screen title in the Screen Title field.
To include an image, click on the Select link in the On-screen Image field.
Click the Add button to add the learning screen.
A thumbnail of your learning screen will appear.
To preview the learning screen, click on the thumbnail.
To edit or add to the learning screen, click the pencil icon.
You can add text, images, URL links and more by selecting the Text tab.
Enter your text and use the modifiers to customize and enhance the text.
Click the Update button to update your entry.
Click the Preview icon to preview the learning screen in a pop-up screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
The Advanced tab offers additional options for your learning screen.
If you want to add a background image, click on the Select link.
A list of background images will appear in a folder.
Preview and select the image you wish to use, and click on the Use This Image button, if applicable.
Check the Repeat box if you want the background image to repeat on the learning screen.
There are two screen Navigation options.
Option 1: The Standard Navigation Bar displays a static navigation bar at the bottom of the learning screen that includes the screen number, advance buttons, back buttons and a reload button for refreshing the page.
Option 2: The Compressed Top Navigation Bar displays the navigation buttons in the top right corner of the learning screen header.
When selected, the AutoAdvance function automatically forwards the screen page(s) after a defined number of seconds as entered in the After how many seconds field.
The Text Font drop-down box offers a default font plus additional font options.
The Foreground and Background Colors offer a default palette (Black/White) and a variety of other color combinations that can be selected from the integrated palette.
The Screen Sequence is displayed and can be changed from the drop-down box.
Click on the Update button to update the learning screen.
The Exercise tab provides a template to add an optional Learner Exercise to the learning screen.
These exercises should reflect the learning content delivered in the previous screens or sections and create interactivity for the student while reinforcing the material.
In the Define Learner Exercise section, type in a multiple choice or True / False question.
Create and enter the answers in the open fields Answer A through Answer D.
The Response drop-down boxes contain the dynamic messages that are maintained in the Media Library.
Choose a response for each of the answers, identifying the single correct answer and the remaining incorrect answer(s).
Click on the Update button to add the Learner Exercise to your learning screen.
The Extras tab provides enhancement options for learning screens.
To add audio to a learning screen, click on the Audio
Track icon.
Choose an audio or narration from the drop-down box. The audio files are maintained in the Media Library.
Click on the Update button to add the audio track.
YouTube videos can be added to your learning content and embedded in the learning screen.
Click on the YouTube icon.
In the YouTube Video open field, paste the embed tag from the YouTube video.
Click on the Update button to add the video to the learning screen.
To add a custom, text-to-speech Avatar, click on the Avatar icon.
The Avatar can serve as a "FlexCoach" on any learning screen.
Choose an Avatar from the Character drop-down box. You can add to the list of Avatar options.
Enter a script for the character in the text field.
Adjust the Width and Height for the Avatar.
Select the Language and Voice from the drop-down boxes.
Click on the Update button to add the Avatar to the learning screen.
You can drag and place the Avatar image on the learning screen.
As we continue to "Add A New Lesson," we will build a Multimedia learning screen.
Click on the course you want to edit.
Click on the lesson thumbnail to open the lesson.
Click on the pencil icon to open and edit the lesson.
Click on the Plus icon to add a new learning screen.
Select the Multimedia screen option, and enter the name of the learning screen in the Learning Screen Name field.
Under the Basic tab, enter a screen title in the Screen Title field.
To include a movie or video, choose a file from the Movie or Video drop-down box.
Or, click on the Plus icon.
A listing of video folders will appear.
To preview a video, click on the video name.
To use the video, enter a Short Description in the open field and set the display height and width.
Click on the Register This File button.
Click the Back button.
Choose the movie or video and alignment from the Alignment drop-down box.
Click the Add button to update the learning screen.
Click the Preview icon to preview the learning screen in a pop-up screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
As we continue to "Add A New Lesson," we will build two final learning screens.
The first is a sample of an External learning screen, and the second is a sample of an Avatar learning screen.
Click on the course you want to edit.
Click on the lesson thumbnail to open the lesson.
Click on the pencil icon to open and edit the lesson.
Click on the Plus icon to add a new learning screen.
Select the External screen option, and enter a screen name in the Learning Screen Name field.
Under the Basic tab, there are two options for the Page/File URL field.
Option 1: You can link to a single file, such as PDF, video, etc.
Click on the Select link.
A listing of files and folders will appear.
To preview a file, click on the file name.
Click on the Use This Item button to add it to your learning screen.
Modify the Display Size of the item by adjusting the width and height, and click the Add button to update the learning screen.
Click on the Preview icon to preview the learning screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
Click on the Plus icon to add a new learning screen.
Option 2: You can link to an external file or web site via the URL.
Enter a screen name in the Learning Screen Name field.
Enter the complete URL, beginning with
Click the Add button to add the file or URL to the learning screen.
Click on the Preview icon to preview the learning screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
When creating a learning screen, you can add a custom, text-to-speech Avatar.
The Avatar can be a single screen or serve as a "FlexCoach" on any learning screen.
Select the Avatar screen option, and enter a screen name in the Learning Screen Name field.
Under the Basic tab, enter a screen title in the Screen Title field.
From the Character drop-down box, select an Avatar.
Note: You can add to the list of Avatar options.
In the Text field, enter the Avatar's verbiage.
Adjust the width and height of the Avatar, then select the accent and character from the drop-down boxes.
Click on the Add button to add the Avatar to the learning screen.
A thumbnail of your learning screen will appear.
Click on the pencil icon to edit.
To edit and add text to the learning screen, click on the Text tab.
Enter the learning screen text.
Click the Update button.
Click on the Preview icon to preview the learning screen.
This is a preview of the learning screen.
You can add a pre-, interim- or post-test to any course.
To "Add A New Test," enter the name of the course in the Create a New Course field and click the Start button, or click on an existing course.
Under the "Course Events - Add" section, click on "Add a New Test".
Enter a test name in the open field and click the Add button.
A thumbnail of the test will display along with the test name.
To edit the test, click on the thumbnail.
A series of icons will appear that allow you to move, edit, view and delete the test.
Click on the pencil icon to edit the test.
To create or edit a test, you have four options.
Option 1: Settings for this Test
Option 2: Test Questions and Answers
Option 3: Test Question Duplicator
Option 4: Delete This Test
Under Option 1, the "Work with Test Settings" area allows you to establish your testing policy, including test scoring, timing and sequence within the course.
Enter the name of the test in the Test Title field.
Enter the passing score in the Passing Percent field.
From the Attempts Allowed drop-down box, select the number of times the student may take the test before passing.
In the Show Answers After Grading drop-down box, choose whether the correct answers will display and when.
Item Banking allows you to create a repository of test questions, and the questions offered to students will vary in a random manner.
If the test will include all questions in the repository, select Show All Questions.
To activate the Item Banking, select Show Random and enter the number of questions you wish to use.
The optional Additional Learning URL will direct the students to a web site or page after completing the test.
To activate, enter the complete URL in the open field
To establish a time limit for students to complete the test, enter the total number of minutes in the Minutes to Finish field.
To send a warning message to students advising the number of minutes remaining in a timed test, enter the number of minutes in the Warning Minutes field.
Choose the test placement within the course from the Where to Place test drop-down box.
Click the Save Changes button to update your system.
The next section allows you to add and edit test questions.
Under Option 2, click on the Plus icon to build or edit test questions.
Four types of test questions are available:
Multiple Choice
Hot Spot
Click on the icon to select the type of question.
Let's build a Multiple Choice question.
In the Question field, type in the test question.
If you want to add an image, click on the Select link in the Display Image field.
Instead of an image, you can select a movie or video from the drop-down box.
Enter the series of answers in the open fields.
Designate the Correct Answer from the drop-down box.
To display the correct answer to students after the test is completed, enter the Rationale in the open field.
Click on Save Question to save the test question.
Next, let's build a Hot Spot question.
In the Question field, type in the test question.
Click on the Select link in the Hot Spot Image field.
A listing of image folders will appear, and a preview of an image will display when clicked upon.
Select the image and click on the Use This Image button to add it to your test question.
Click on the Click Here to Define link, which will allow you to select the defined block of the image.
To save, click the Save Hot Spot and Return to Question button.
To display the correct answer to students after the test is completed, enter the Rationale in the open field.
Click on the Save Question button to update your system.
Now, let's create a True/False question.
In the Question field, type in the test question.
If you wish to add an image, click on the Select link in the Display Image field.
Instead of an image, you can select a movie or video from the drop-down box.
Designate the Correct Answer from the drop-down box.
To display the correct answer to students after the test is completed, enter the Rationale in the open field.
Click on the Save Question button to update your system.
Finally, let's create a Fill In The Blank question.
In the Question field, type in the test question.
If you wish to add an image, click on the Select link in the Display Image field.
Instead of an image, you can select a movie or video from the drop-down box.
In the Valid Answer(s) field, type in the answer(s).
Since this is a fill-in-the-blank question, student answers may vary but still be correct.
Click on the Add Another Answer link to add up to ten correct answer options.
To display the correct answer to students after the test is completed, enter the Rationale in the open field.
Click on the Save Question button to update your system.
With the Test Question Duplicator, the third option, you can create a duplicate set of test questions, in the same course or in a different course.
First, select a Source Course and a Source Test from the drop-down boxes.
Next, choose a Destination Course and a Destination Test from the drop-down boxes.
Now you have the option to add the questions to an existing test or replace a test with the existing questions.
Click the Submit button to complete the test question duplication.
The fourth and final test option allows you to delete a test.
This function removes the test, questions and all student history associated with the test if the training has already commenced.
To remove the test, click on the Yes, Delete this test! button.
The Schedule Course tab schedules a course quickly and efficiently and adds it to the student Course Catalog.
A course must be added to the Course Catalog before students can sign up for training.
A single course may be scheduled many times, and each course carries it own setup and editing options.
To begin, select the course and click on the thumbnail.
Click on the Schedule Course tab.
Click on the Plus icon in Add New Scheduled Course.
Click on the Edit icon to Enable or Disable the course, and to edit the course schedule.
Scheduling options are arranged into related groups under folder-styled tabs.
Use the series of options in the Schedule Course section to setup and schedule the course.
Under the Basic tab, from the drop down box, choose Scheduled/Enabled to activate the course in the system.
If you reset the course to Not Scheduled/Disabled, the course appears in all of the drop-down lists in the system, including Reporting, but cannot be accessed by students.
The default is the assigned course name. If you want a different course name to display for students, enter it in the open field.
From the drop-down box, choose whether the course is an online course, System (FlexTraining), or a classroom course.
From the drop-down box, choose the course completion certificate that the student can download after successful completion of the course, if desired.
From the drop down box, choose the course evaluation that the student must complete after completion of the course, if desired.
Click the Update button to update your system.
Under the Manage Dates tab, enter the Signup start and end dates.
The course will automatically appear and stop appearing in the Course Catalog on these dates.
The course will automatically become accessible and inaccessible to students on the Course start and end dates.
The Course Due Date Information offers two student options:
Option 1: Select the period from the drop-down box.
Option 2: Enter a due date in the open field.
Note: This is an optional function that is set-up in the Policies Menu.
Enter the number of days prior to the class due date to generate an automatic warning to the student in the Warning Period open field.
You can allow the student to continue viewing the course or block the student from the course once the date has expired. Choose Allow or Block from the drop-down box.
Click the Update button to update your system.
Under the Course Options tab, enter the name of the Discussion Group (only if you are using an Online External Collaboration Tool).
If you want to limit enrollment in the course, enter the number of the students in the open field.
If you are using the E-Commerce function and are charging tuition, enter the amount in the open field.
If you want to allow, or disallow, students to access the course material after completing the course and taking all exams, select Yes or No from the drop-down box.
Click the Update button to update your system.
Under the Title and Messages tab, enter a Course Long Description in the open field.
This can be used for keyword searches in the student module.
Enter the Signup Message that will display when the student completes the enrollment process.
The Student Menu Announcement will display every time a student signs on to the Student Menu and can be changed as often as necessary.
Click the Update button to update your system.
Under the Advanced tab, you can choose a Special Enrollment Status (Active, Pending or Payment) for enrollees in this class from the drop-down box.
If an instructor is required and has been defined in the Users Menu, select an instructor from the drop-down box.
The Group feature allows you to classify related courses, by Group, in the Student Module Catalog.
The Level is a sub-category of the Group feature and allows you to classify courses, by Level, in the Student Module Catalog.
Click the Update button to update your system.
The course is now enabled and scheduled to your specifications.
You can add one or more assignments to the course.
To begin, select the course and click on the thumbnail.
To add an assignment, click on the Add a New Assignment link.
In the open field, enter a description for the assignment.
In the Choose a File field, browse and upload a file that contains the assignment.
This file is maintained in the Media Library.
Select the assignment and click the Choose This Assignment button.
Next, choose from the drop-down box where the assignment will appear within the course.
Click the Add button to add the assignment to the course.
In this instance, the new assignment comes after the Course Objectives lesson.
Use the blue arrows to move lessons, tests and assignments.
Moving an assignment above all lessons makes it a pre-assignment.
Moving the assignment below a lesson attaches it to that lesson.
To preview a lesson or assignment, click on the Preview icon.
The optional Evaluations function allows you to define and create course Evaluations to obtain feedback from students.
Students will be prompted to complete the Evaluation once all course sections, assignments and tests are completed.
You can create as many Evaluations as you wish, and you have the option to pre-define one or more Evaluations.
To create an Evaluation, click on the Add A New Evaluation button or select an evaluation to edit from the drop-down box.
Click on the Continue button.
Enter the name in the Evaluation Name open field.
Then, enter the number of questions in the open field and click the Continue button.
Enter the Evaluation question(s) in the open field, and enter the answers in the Answers section.
Enter your own response text for each possible answer, or use the pre-populated text in the system.
All Evaluations will have one free form text area for students to write additional comments; this field displays in the Student Menu.
Click on the Save Evaluation button.
The optional Certificates function allows you to define, create and modify course completion Certificates that students or system administrators can download and print.
The Certificate section allows you to choose from three integrated template styles.
From the Select A Certificate to Edit drop-down box, click the Add A New Certificate to create a new certificate or to edit an existing one.
Click the Continue button.
For a new Certificate, enter the name in the Certificate Name open field.
From the drop down box, choose FlexCertificate for the Type and click on the Continue button.
Choose a Certificate Template and click on the Continue button.
Now, you're ready to build and customize the certificate.
Choose a Font, and enter optional Text in the open field.
If you want to include a Company Logo, click on the Choose Image button and retrieve the logo from your Content Library files.
If you want to include a Seal Image, click on the Choose Image button and retrieve the image from your Image Library files.
Type in the name of the company representative in the Signee Name open field, if desired, and enter the person's title in the Signee Title.
Finally, click on the Choose Image button to select the signee’s Signature Image, if desired. All images are maintained in the Media Library Images section.
Click on the Save Certificate button.
To preview the Certificate, click on the Preview button.
Next, click on the View a preview of this certificate template link.
This is the sample certificate.
Lesson 3
Welcome to the "Reports" Menu. The integrated and custom reporting provides up-to-the-minute student activity and analysis reports.
The Enrollment report contains a listing of students enrolled in all courses or a given course.
You can utilize the filters to narrow your search and design which student records appear in your report.
Select a course from the drop-down box, and select the filters so you can sort the data by organization, last name or student number.
Once your filters and dates have been selected, click the Submit button.
A sample Enrollment report is displayed.
The top portion of the screen identifies the filters used in the report.
The bottom portion of the screen includes the report data.
The Graphing Reports contain visual representations of four standard reports.
Enrollments by Month
Registrations by Month
Training Effectiveness
Skill Groups Completion
The Graph reports utilize the data filters the same as other reports.
The main difference is that the data displays as a downloadable graph image.
If you prefer a different type of graph, you can change the style after it is rendered.
Once the class, filters and date ranges are selected, click on the Submit button and the visual representation of the data will display.
To change the graph type, click on the Chart Type button and select the graph style from the drop-down box.
The graph can be printed by clicking on the Print icon in the top right corner of the screen.
The Custom Reporting function is the most versatile and powerful of all reports and gives you the ability to design and build your own report, on the fly, and save it for future use.
You can define the columns to display using a simple, integrated wizard, and then determine if you wish to link additional data to your primary data to expand your overall data collection.
Step 1: Choose a report or create a new one.
Saved custom reports will display in a list by report name.
You can View, Edit or Delete the report by clicking on the corresponding icon.
The Export/Import button is used to export or import the template of a saved report.
To create a new report, click on the Plus icon.
Step 2: Select tables and fields.
You'll be presented with a list of database tables that are eligible for display in the report.
The Primary Table (left column) corresponds to Select Fields (right column) that will expand the data search.
Check off the desired fields in the Select Fields column.
Each field will show as a column on the report.
You have the option to link to an additional Link Table (left column) and corresponding Select Fields (right column).
The Link Table choices vary based upon your initial Primary Table selection.
When you have made all of your table and field selections, click the Next button.
Step 3: Rename, order and sort fields.
You will now decide on the order to display your data columns and choose a column for sorting.
You can also change the display name for the column header.
Click Next to move to the next step.
Step 4: Add, remove and update filters.
This step allows you to set additional data filters, if desired, that allow you to limit the amount of data included in the report.
You can add a new filter by clicking the Plus icon.
Select filters from the drop-down lists, which offer more options related to the previous data type.
Once the filters are selected, click on the Next button.
Step 5: Save and run report.
Enter a report Display Name in the first open text field.
This will display when the report is viewed or printed.
To save the report for future use, enter a Save Name in the open field.
Click the Save and Run button to save the report, or select the Run without Saving button.
Report sample.
Each time a saved report is viewed, the current data that matches the filters and date parameters will be displayed, so the report can evolve along with your training data.